IWC Gonna IWC...

Jey Uso, one of the most over wrestlers in the entire business, won the 2025 Royal Rumble in shocking fashion by eliminating the legendary John Cena. Yes. Jey Uso, not CM Punk, not John Cena, not Seth Rollins, not even Drew McIntrye, won the Royal Rumble and will be in a World Heavyweight Title match at WrestleMania. Surely, one would think such a decision would be received with pure elation within wrasslin' circles. Besides, why would people want to see a PART-TIMER like John Cena go over full-time talent who has been busting their behinds over the last year helping to break records?
Does that last question read familiar?
Part-Time Main Eventers vs Full-Time IWC Favorites
In the last 15 years or so there has been immense apprehension against "part-timers" regardless of what they did for the business before they came back on a part-time basis. That list typically consisted of the following stars:
Brock Lesnar 2012-2023 (TBD...)
The Rock 2011-Present
Triple H 2010-2019
Undertaker 2011-2020
John Cena 2017-2025
There have been wrestlers over the years that have been insanely over with fans but didn't receive a "stamp of approval" from creative (or rather the old man that used to be in charge). Some of those wrestlers include:
Rusev (specifically Rusev Day)
Damien Mizdow
Zack Ryder
If you search the interwebs deep enough you will find that the IWC clamored to have those wrestlers pushed to high heaven, only to watch them stagnate via brief moments of glory that ultimately amounted to nothing.
"Main Event" Jey Uso
Enter Jey Uso. Other than LA Knight, who blew up throughout 2023 (and yes, an argument can be made that he should have had the push Jey is currently having, but that's another debate), Jey Uso has by far been the surprise story of the main roster for well over a year.
The OG Bloodline member (pretty much since the beginning of the storyline) has evolved in almost every facet through that now iconic stable. When he left and went solo, let's be honest, no one was expecting much of a success. He developed his own persona, and brilliantly put his young millennial and Gen-Z fueled catchphrase, YEET, over like his rent was due.
Much like the YES Movement from 2013-2014, YEET has become the most over phrase in the company. Jey's promos about being overlooked and being confused as to which brother he was, and being nothing more than a tag team wrestler, resonated with fans. His concert-like entrance has become the most entertaining and interactive experience in the WWE. He's one of the top merch sellers. He is the very definition of over. He's a full-time wrestler who has earned his stripes by rising through the ranks.
IWC's Reaction to Jey Winning the 2025 Royal Rumble
So what happens when Jey Uso pulls off the ultimate upset and wins the Royal Rumble?
The IWC is what happens. The IWC has the audacity to complain, raising questions within circles. The noise got so loud that Pat McAfee actually addressed it with Jey Uso on his show.
Respectfully IWC, ya'll oughta be ashamed of yourselves. Shaddup and see what happens. Maybe if this works out this opens doors for more movements that don't fit the predictable main event agenda. For the second year in a row, Triple H listened to fans and he responded with a move that has their voices in mind. If the other guy was around ya'll have gotta your obvious CENAWINS LOL (remember that?) except the part-timer version and eventual burial of star that had 3 years of build-up.
Jey has his "flaws" but it's pretty clear why he was selected to win the Rumble and, I loved the surprise. Let's see what happens next!
- "The Blog Guy" JustJayBe
Oh yeah.