Let Wrestling Be Wrestling

I don’t claim to know a lot about politics, but it’s clear there are tons of similarities between the two worlds. Trump, in many ways, mirrors Vince McMahon—the good, the bad, and all the complicated stuff in between. Wrestling legends have every right to their opinions, and living in a free country means that some topics make for hot-button talking points that create buzz, especially in today’s social media-driven world. But at the same time, I think that people with a significant following shouldn’t use their platform to influence the very fans who have supported them and allowed them to pursue their dreams just to push personal agendas.
We love wrestling because it’s an escape, and it’s pure entertainment. When politics or other divisive issues get involved, it can take away from the joy and nostalgia that brought us to the sport in the first place. Wrestling has always been about the thrill, the drama, and the larger-than-life characters—not political or religious debates. Let’s keep the spirit of wrestling intact and free from distractions that don’t belong in the ring
- Al