Is Jey destined to be in a Tag Team again?

Can Jey Uso continue on his own or is he bound to end up back in the bloodline tagging with his brother Jimmy? I mean it’s undeniable that the Yeet man is as over as ever but there’s people still not sold on him as a "Solo" Superstar. He’s definitely put his time in over the years and has the crowd is behind him, but is his limited move-set holding him back?
The Usos have always been one of my favorite tag teams and their character work has grown by leaps and bounds over the years. When there was a lack of Samoans in the WWE (believe it or not) they held it down. That brings us to today’s landscape where Samoans seem to be all over the main event scene with the old and new Bloodlines. I think Jey will eventually be back with the OG bloodline but that doesn’t mean back in a tag. If they put him in a situation where he has no choice but to save his brother, Jimmy, because it’s just a one sided beat down. Even hesitantly he will act because at the end of the day that’s his twin. We can get what we all want at Survivor Series which will most likely be the Bloodline Civil War. After that we could even see him continue his solo run until at some point, inevitably, we get the real reunion of the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in WWE history.
Acknowledge that!
-Suplex Hek